Literature is a fantasy world.

Literature is emotions unfurled.

Literature is the mind’s paintbrush.

Literature is a heart’s soft touch.

Literature is imagination.

Literature is sleep deprivation.

Literature is my greatest bane.

Literature is my favourite game.

Literature is no simple fling.

Literature is…








Life is full of unimaginable pleasure;
There is so much it can offer,
So why can’t we all learn to treasure?
No way will it be a bother.

The entertainment we learn to enjoy;
Must be something we call surreal,
For all our senses cannot seem to annoy;
It’s now obvious everything in life is the real deal.

Sometimes there are hard times;
And other occasions trying to jump hurdles,
Though finding ways are a challenge to bind;
Like nurturing a sleeping baby in a cradle.

Meeting soul mates and pouring our hearty dreams;
Taking the cherish journey to forever adoration,
Carving the stories in books dangled from their seams;
The odyssey begins a new chapter in self-exploration.

Chapter one brings a new life to the worlds reverence,
Time seemingly races faster than the speed of sound;POEMD
Chapter two burgeons the new meaning of life’s endurance
Ticking clocks seep closer to the duration abound.

As the book slowly comes to a closing finish, a new lineage commences;
Belongings and memories passed on to the posterity,
Our senses grow weary and the cycle of living distances;
The dawning of a new existence sprouts endless prosperity.

SOURCE :https://www.deviantart.com/yangster88/art/Faces-of-Life-117851894